Leonard presents new single, “Better Self”

Leo Leonard embarks on a heartfelt exploration of self-improvement with his new single, “Better Self.” Known for his tenure with the iconic French pop duo The Pirouettes, Leo’s solo venture delves into a more introspective realm, reflecting his evolution as an artist. Opening the forthcoming EP Best Buddy for a Run, this track showcases a raw vulnerability that invites you to join him on a personal journey toward becoming a better version of yourself.

“Better Self” is steeped in a rich acoustic atmosphere, featuring beautifully layered instrumentation that brings to life the warmth and depth of his songwriting. The gentle strumming of guitars, complemented by the haunting harmonies of Marla and Nina Versyp, creates a lush soundscape that perfectly mirrors the song’s themes of introspection and hope. As Leo candidly lists the negative thoughts that weigh him down, he manages to transform this vulnerability into a powerful message of resilience, urging you to confront your own internal battles.

What sets “Better Self” apart is its authentic connection to his roots in folk and country music, delivering a sound that feels both timeless and refreshing. The collaboration with friends in the studio amplifies the sense of camaraderie, emphasizing the importance of support on the path to self-discovery. With “Better Self,” Leo Leonard not only revisits his origins but also crafts a meaningful anthem that resonates deeply with anyone striving for growth and redemption in an ever-challenging world.

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