Mattyice1990 shares his latest song, "These Days"

Mattyice1990's latest release, "These Days,"

Mattyice1990's latest release, "These Days," delves into his journey from the streets to the studio, depicting his perseverance and determination through a candid narrative. Through raw and honest lyrics, Mattyice1990 paints a vivid picture of his past experiences, shedding light on themes such as hustling, street life, and personal growth.

Mattyice1990's storytelling prowess is evident in "These Days," complemented by an infectious beat demonstrating his versatility. The chorus emphasizes the importance of staying focused and not looking back. It is a powerful anthem of self-love and determination.

Mattyice1990's evolution, from overcoming adversity to achieving success in the music industry, is highlighted in this single. "These Days" is a genuine and compelling piece of music that will resonate with listeners who value authenticity and a captivating narrative.

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