JusHarry Is Crafting Hip-Hop's Dynamic Rhythms From Scotland's Heart To The Global Stage

In this exclusive interview, we delve into the world of JusHarry, a rising 21-year-old artist hailing from the picturesque north of Scotland. He takes us on a journey from the genesis of his music career during the pandemic's lockdown to his recent headlining at Pitch Scotland. As an alternative hip-hop artist, JusHarry's unique style and fresh perspective set him apart in the ever-evolving landscape of the music industry. We explore his influences, challenges, and aspirations as he continues to carve his path in this dynamic field. Join us as we discover the artist behind the music, and what drives him to stand out in the world of hip-hop.

HipHopEargasm: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in the music industry?

JusHarry: I'm JusHarry, a 21-year-old artist from the north of Scotland. I started writing songs at the end of the second lockdown and began to take it more seriously last year. I moved down to Glasgow and started working closely with K4CIE and Lude at 644 studios, and I've started to build a rock-solid foundation for what I'm aiming for in the future.

HipHopEargasm: What inspired you to pursue a music career?

JusHarry: I've always had a big passion for hip-hop and rap since I was about 13. It would be a huge regret if mine had not started sooner, but how the state of the world changed during the lockdown changed my perspective on life and what is essential, and for me, making music should have always been an aim. But being from the north of Scotland, you assume you're just not meant to be doing that sort of thing.

HipHopEargasm: How would you describe your musical style and the genre you primarily identify with?

JusHarry: It's definitely alternative hip-hop. I find it hard to identify with another artist or sound, as I just let what comes out come out.

HipHopEargasm: How did your journey in the music industry begin? Can you share a brief overview of your musical background?

JusHarry: As stated, I started writing at the end of the second lockdown. At the end of 2020, I wrote my first song. With that, I began to get noticed by local radio stations and the BBC. I kept releasing songs throughout 2021 and made some great connections in Scotland as well, gaining attention from platforms down south, such as BBC 1 Extra, Foundation FM, Rinse, NTS Radio, Mixtape Madness, and more. With that, I've started to gain some following and have played at festivals such as City Crepe City twice in a row, Pitch Scotland, and Skool.

HipHopEargasm: What or who inspired you to become an artist, and when did you decide to pursue music seriously?

JusHarry: My biggest inspiration in music has always been Kendrick Lamar; his come-up was what really opened my eyes to music, and I've been hooked ever since.

HipHopEargasm: Can you describe some of the challenges you've faced as an up-and-coming artist in the music industry?

JusHarry: Being a Scottish artist, especially a rapper, can be challenging. Sometimes we feel shadowed by bigger artists down south, but our scene is growing quickly.

HipHopEargasm: What has been your most significant achievement or milestone in your music career so far?

JusHarry: I would say headlining at Pitch Scotland this year and the radio attention I've garnered with my recent songs.

HipHopEargasm: How would you describe your musical style or genre, and what sets you apart from other artists in the same category?

JusHarry: I would say I'm just different; I have a unique voice and rapping style, and I myself find it hard to compare myself to anyone around me. There's a lot of very unique artists in our scene; I'm just one of them.

HipHopEargasm: How do you navigate the ever-changing landscape of the music industry, especially as an up-and-coming artist?

JusHarry: Honestly, the industry is always changing I don't think I'm an expert at navigating anything; I just learn as I go along.

HipHopEargasm: How do you measure success as an artist, and what goals are you currently working toward?

JusHarry: I still feel I am yet to be considered a 'successful artist.' Once I have a solid fan base that I can sell out shows and live off of, that is what my idea of success is. But this is different for every artist. 

HipHopEargasm: What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who are just starting their journey in the industry?

JusHarry: Make sure you can manage the stress of it, and don't let anybody knock on your confidence. Believe in what you're doing.

HipHopEargasm: How do you decide which songs make it onto an album or EP, and what are your criteria for selecting tracks?

JusHarry: I'm actually still in the process of doing this; like I said, I'm still very new and have decided that what I want to do with all my songs can be challenging. But my team around me helps me with this.

HipHopEargasm: Outside of music, do you have any other passions or hobbies that influence your work?

JusHarry: My main focus is music.

And there you have it, the dynamic world of JusHarry! From the heart of Scotland to the global stage, his distinctive style and unwavering passion promise an exciting musical journey ahead. Get ready for more electrifying beats and unique sounds from this rising star in hip-hop!

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